Jumat, 05 April 2013

Cara Membuat Border Dan background Pada Setiap Posting

keren euy... *muji sendiri*
keren kan?ada yang suka?yuk praktek langsung...

1.Masuk Dashboard > Template > edit HTML
2.Expand template widget dan tick F3 atau CTRL + F cari kode
.post-body {
3.Letakkan kode berikut ini diatasnya:

.post-outer {
-moz-border-radius: 25px;
border-radius: 25px;
border: 3px dotted #00CACA;
background :
url(http://i1243.photobucket.com/albums/gg546/alice4ja/10382769_zps4cda3464.gif);padding: 15px 20px;
margin: 0 -20px 20px;
Atau seperti gambar di bawah ini jadinya:

Untuk ukuran px bisa diubah sendiri menurut keinginan kode warna juga boleh ditukar sendiri dan url image/gambar yang aku tandai dengan warna purple/ungu juga boleh diubah sendiri. Dotted adalah jenis border dan bisa diubah juga menjadi dashed, solid, dll. Itu adalah kalau background posting mau ditaruh warna kesukaan, pakai kode di atas/no 3, dan kalau ingin menaruh warna background dengan warna biasa maka kodenya jadi seperti di bawah:

.post-outer {
-moz-border-radius: 25px;
border-radius: 25px;
border: 3px dotted #00CACA;
background: #FFD0FF;
padding: 15px 20px;
margin: 0-20px 20px;
.post-body {

Atau letakkan di bawah kode  .post-outer { dan kalau di bawahnya ada kode embel-embel tolong hapus dulu xD

Warna pink itu kode warna dan bisa diubah juga sesuai keinginan, dotted itu jenis nama border nya, bisa diubah sendiri misalnya menjadi solid, dashed, dll sesuai keinginan dan tentang jenis-jenis nama border aku pernah juga tuliskan atrikelnya sebelum ini.

4.Tekan pratinjau dulu jadi atau tidak? kalau jadi baru tekan simpan template xD.
beberapa background bisa diambil disini...
klik kanan pada background,klik save URL image deh.. XD Background


Design Sidebar Cantik

cantikan?suka gk?klw suka,praktekan ke blog kamu dong....hehehehhe XD
ini caranya :

1.Dashboard > template > edit HTML
2.Tick expand template widget > tekan F3/CTRL + F dan cari kode:

h2 {

Kalau di bawah h2 { masih ada kode bawaan dari blogger mirip-mirip kode di bawah ini sebaiknya hapus dulu:

margin: 0 0 1em 0;font: $(widget.title.font);color: $(widget.title.text.color);text-transform: uppercase;

3.Letakkan kode di bawah ini tepat di bawahnya:

text-shadow: 0 0 0.1em #A9A9F5, 0 0 0.1em #A9A9F5;
border: 1px dotted #A9BCF5;
border-right:5pt solid #FF95CA;
border-left:5pt solid #FF95CA;
margin:0 0 1.5em;
padding:7px 10px 7px 10px;
text-align: center;
margin: 0 0 1em 0;
font: bold normal 11px Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica, FreeSans, sans-serif;
text-transform: uppercase;
color: #8E8E8E;
margin: .5em 0;
h2:hover {
-moz-border-radius: 25px 10px / 10px 25px;
border-radius: 25px 10px / 10px 25px;
-moz-transform: rotate(-2deg);
-webkit-transform: rotate(-2deg);
Warna pink itu kode warna, merah url background dan yang bawah warna biru itu kode hover nya, kalau tidak mau menaruh hover ya gak usah ditaruh kode yang aku tandai dengan warna biru tapi cukup menaruh kode yang atas saja. Di bawah ini model h2:hover { yang lain:
h2:hover {background: #FFF url(http://i1243.photobucket.com/albums/gg546/alice4ja/bcgn_zps321d0c8f.png);-moz-border-radius: 5px;border-radius: 5px;-webkit-transition-duration: 1.0s;border-top: 1px dashed #ff7575;border-left: 4px groove #ff7575;border-right: 20px solid #ff7575;border-bottom: 1px solid #ff7575;}

4.Untuk menaruh border luar yang warna pink solid  (jenis-jenis nama border) cari kode:

/* Widgets
.sidebar .widget {
Mungkin di bawah kode di atas masih ada kode bawaan dari blogger sebaiknya dihapus dulu kemudian letakkan kode berikut ini di bawahnya:
border:1px solid #FF95CA;
margin:0 -5px 1.5em -5px;
padding:0px 7px 10px 7px}

5.Tekan pratinjau dulu dan simpan template.
6.semoga bermanfaat

Google Chrome Theme (1D)

ada yang mau?
directioners ada yang mau?pasti mau dong
ini khusus yang google chrome aja...
firefox+internet explore+torch "AAAA.... -,- "
heheheheheh......caranya gampang bgt kok
1.buka kedua link ini
(1) theme 1D (1)
(2) theme 1D (2)
2.sudah dibuka nanti aja tulisan pilih tema,klik deh...
3.jadi deh.... buka aja.... ^^
4.semoga bermanfaat

Membuat Read More Di Blog

  • Silahkan Login di akun blogger anda
  • Lalu klik Rancangan dan klik Edit HTML
  • Jangan lupa untuk mencentang Expand Template Widget
  • Untuk menghindari hal2 yang tidak diinginkan maka simpan/backup terlebih dahulu template saudara, untuk menghindari hal yang tidak diinginkan.
  • Kemudian Cari kode </head>.  Dan untuk mempermudah pencarian kode nya anda tekan aja ( CTRL + F ) 
  • Lalu silahkan tambahkanlah kode yang ada dibawah ini tepat diatas kode </head> tersebut.

<script type='text/javascript'> var thumbnail_mode = "no-float" ; summary_noimg = 430; summary_img = 340; img_thumb_height = 100; img_thumb_width = 120; </script> <script src='http://rizqi.moehamed.googlepages.com/read-moreotomatis.js' type='text/javascript'/>

Bila anda ingin merubah ukuran pada Read More di Blogger anda tersebut, kamu tinggal merubah di bagian-bagian kode yang berwarna merah bawah ini, dan Ubahlah angkanya sesuai dengan keinginan.

  • summary_noimg = 430; adalah tinggi potongan artikel tanpa gambar    
  • summary_img = 340; adalah tinggi potongan artikel dengan gambar  
  • img_thumb_height = 100; adalah ukuran tinggi thumbnail
  • img_thumb_width = 120; adalah ukuran lebar thumbnail

  • langkah Selanjutnya cari kode <data:post.body/> lalu ganti tag <data:post.body/> tersebut dengan kode script di bawah ini :  

 <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'> <div expr:id='&quot;summary&quot; + data:post.id'><data:post.body/></div><script type='text/javascript'>createSummaryAndThumb(&quot;summary<data:post.id/>&quot;);</script><span class='rmlink' style='float:right;padding-top:20px;'><a expr:href='data:post.url'>&#187;&#187;&#160;&#160;READMORE...</a></span> </b:if><b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'><data:post.body/></b:if>

  • dan untuk tulisan " READ MORE " bisa diganti sesuai dengan selera anda. 
  • setelah dipastikan semua udah terpasang dengan benar langkah selanjutnya adalah simpan template dan coba lihatlah hasilnya.


Membuat Subjudul di Artikel

Jika anda sering membaca artikel di detik.com, mungkin anda melihat, bahwa pada artikel-artikel tertentu ada subjudul yang menandakan tema tertentu sebuah bahasan. Ternyata di blogspot kita juga membuat subjudul pada artikel kita. Bagaimana cara membuat subjudul artikel?

Untuk membuat subjudul pada atikel blogspot, di atas judul utama, silakan ikuti cara berikut ini:

1. login ke dashboard blogger
2. masuk ke menu Edit HTML
3. kopi kode di bawah ini sebelum kode ]]></b:skin>

<style>.post h2 subtitle { display: block!important; font-size: 18px!important; font-weight: normal!important;color:#ff3c00;}</style>

Sesuaikan kode yang berwarna merah dengan template anda, misalnya di template anda untuk judul postingan h3 maka ganti dengan h3. Demikian juga jika ukuran judul di template anda 16px, tentu saja ukuran utnuk subjudulnya harus lebih kecil, dan warna sesuaikan dengan keinginan anda.
Kode Warna

4. Tulis judul dengan format:

<subtitle>subjudul disini</subtitle> Judul Utama Anda

5. Semoga membantu.

Asyik! Mengklik Mouse Juga Bisa Bakar Kalori Lho

Asyik! Mengklik Mouse Juga Bisa Bakar Kalori Lho....
kok bisa ya?

Bagi orang yang bekerja di depan komputer, kekhawatiran tidak bisa mendapatkan cukup olahraga sering merayap dalam pikiran mereka. Tapi tak perlu khawatir, karena dengan mengklik mouse saja Anda sudah bisa membakar kalori.

Seorang pria dewasa rata-rata harus membakar sekitar 2.000 kalori per hari, sedangkan wanita dewasa harus menggunakan sekitar 1.700 kalori per hari. Angka ini bervariasi sesuai dengan umur, aktivitas dan berat badan seseorang.

Meski tak sebanyak olahraga, melakukan kegiatan sehari-hari seperti mengklik mouse komputer ternyata juga bisa membantu membakar kalori. Lalu berapa banyak kalori yang dibakar?

Selain menyediakan jumlah kalori untuk makanan, 'Convert Anything to Calories' (PHP Science World) yang baru-baru ini telah diterbitkan, juga menghitung jumlah kalori yang dibakar melalui berbagai aktivitas dan peristiwa, di mana Anda dapat menemukan kajian ilmiah untuk jumlah kalori yang digunakan saat mengklik mouse.

Secara teknis dan metode, penulis menghitung bahwa total volume otot-otot yang digunakan untuk menekuk jari telunjuk saat mengklik mouse adalah 10,8 cm kubik dengan berat total 11,7 gram.

Rata-rata, 16,7 micromole ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) dikonsumsi dalam bergerak satu gram otot selama satu detik. Jadi, jumlah total ATP dibakar untuk memindahkan 11,7 gram otot di jari telunjuk adalah sekitar 195 micromole (11,7g × 16,7μ mol/g). Ada 7,3 kalori dalam satu mol ATP energi, sehingga jumlah kalori yang dibakar dalam mengklik mouse setara dengan sekitar 1,42 (7,3/1000 X 195).

Artinya, kurang lebih 1,42 kalori bisa terbakar tiap kali Anda mengklik mouse, seperti dilansir Rocketnews24, Jumat (5/4/2013).

Jumlah ini memang jauh lebih kecil dibandingkan jika Anda benar-benar menggerakkan badan untuk beraktivitas fisik dan olahraga. Namun setidaknya ini memberikan kabar baik bagi Anda yang lebih banyak menghabiskan hari di depan komputer.

Tapi untuk mendapatkan tubuh yang sehat, sebaiknya Anda tetap harus membakar kalori melalui aktivitas fisik. Bagi yang lebih banyak menghabiskan hari di depan komputer, melakukan latihan sederhana juga bisa dilakukan di meja kantor.

3 Alasan Asparagus Bisa Menurunkan Berat Badan

siapa sih yang nggak tau asparagus? Asparagus sering digunakan sebagai campuran sup atau disajikan bersama salmon panggang dan steak. Selain menambah citarasa makanan lebih lezat, asparagus juga baik untuk kesehatan karena kaya akan vitamin K, A dan C. Tidak hanya itu, sayuran beraroma khas ini juga bisa membantu Anda turunkan berat badan. Bagaimana bisa? Ini tiga alasannya:

1. Menekan Nafsu Makan
Asparagus mengandung serat larut inulin. Dalam beberapa studi, inulin terbukti menekan nafsu makan. Suatu penelitian menemukan bahwa enam gram inulin bisa membuat perut terasa kenyang seperti saat mengonsumsi 260 kalori makanan.

2. Membantu Mengatur Gula Darah
Sayuran hijau ini kaya akan vitamin B yang berbeda seperti B1, B2, B3 dan B6 yang berfungsi meningkatkan metabolisme glukosa untuk mengatur gula darah. Menurut beberapa penelitian, menjaga tingkat gula darah dengan stabil dapat membantu Anda menghindari komplikasi penyakit akibat tingginya gula darah. Seperti diabetesm hipertensi dan gangguan jantung.

3. Melancarkan Pencernaan
Serat yang tinggi dalam asparagus bermanfaat untuk merangasang pertumbuhan probiotik di dalam tubuh yang dapat melancarkan dan menjaga sistem pencernaan. Sehingga dapat menghilangkan perut kembung akibat konstipasi. Asparagus bisa bertindak bertindak sebagai diuretik alami yang berkhasiat untuk memeperlancar saluran urin dan memperbaiki kinerja ginjal.


Manfaat Bawang Putih Untuk Kesehatan

hayo....siapa disini paling benci sama bawang putih?ngaku aja deh...hehehe saya sendiri aja gak suka XD.....salah satu bumbu dapur yang paling terkenal dengan aromanya yang....ummmhhh WANGI!!!selain untuk penyedeap rasa,bawang putih bisa untuk menurunkan berat badan!wah...yang diet makan ini aja ckckckckc :3....

Salah satu bahan di dalam bawang putih yang dipercaya bisa menekan nafsu makan adalah allicin, yaitu zat yang terbentuk pada saat bawang putih diiris atau ditumbuk. Zat ini pula yang membuat bawang putih memiliki aroma khas.

Dikutip dari Health Me Up, beberapa ilmuwan dari Weizmann Institute menemukan bahwa allicin sangat efektif sebagai penekan nafsu makan. Ketika Anda memakannya, bawang putih akan mengirimkan sinyal ke otak yang membuat Anda merasa kenyang.

Dr. David Mirelman, ketua riset tersebut, mengatakan bahwa bawang putih juga sangat efektif untuk menurunkan kolesterol serta meningkatkan kesehatan jantung. Selain itu, bawang putih dapat meningkatkan metabolisme tubuh dengan menstimulasi saraf untuk melepaskan hormon adrenalin. Dengan metabolisme tubuh yang tinggi, kalori dapat terbakar lebih banyak dan dapat menurunkan berat badan.

Banyak cara untuk mengonsumsi bawang putih. Tapi apabila ingin mendapatkan manfaat maksimal untuk penurunan berat badan, sebaiknya bawang putih dikonsumsi dalam keadaan mentah karena zat allicin mudah luntur bersama zat lain. Terlebih lagi ketika melalui proses pemanasan.

Anda bisa mencampur bawang putih sebagai campuran dalam dressing salad atau sambal. Apabila ingin dimasak, olah dalam keadaan utuh. Namun manfaat bawang putih tetap bisa didapatkan dengan mengonsumsi garlic bread, pasta dengan saus garlic atau masakan berbumbu utama bawang putih.

semoga bermanfaat ^^

Kamis, 04 April 2013

No Name - Kono Namida wo Kimi ni Sasagu (lyrics)


itsuka no negai wa
tsuchi no naka de nemutte
yakusoku no jikoku ni
kibou no me ga deru nda

futari ga deatta koro
yume nado mada tane datta
dore kurai toki ga sugi
hana wa saku no darou?

kono namida wo kimi ni sasagu
motto kimi ga kagayaku nara
zutto mimamotteta
chinmoku no sora kara
ima boku wa ame ni narou

A, kimi ni sasagu
konna boku ni dekiru koto wa
kimi no munashisa wo sukoshi demo iyasu koto
saa boku wa ame ni narou


NO NAME-Yume wa Nandemo Umaekawaru (lyrics)


Yoru no sora kagayaki hoshi wa
Nanoku kounan no kanata
Tatoe fukai zetsubou ga
Mugen no yami to nattemo

Shinjitsu wa tsutawaru nda
Jikan no kawa ni takushita
Sono hikari no messeeji
Uketoru mono wa dare dai?

Hito wa umarete hito wa shinde yuku
Nikutai wa horobiru yo
Hai no naka kara yomigaeru mono wa
Jounetsu tsugi no sedai e

Yume wa reincarnation
Nando demo deja vu no youna
Toiki wo shuu

Marude reincarnation
Ima mo mata mishiku no uchi
Dokoka e hashiteru

Ikutsume no namida de akirameru no ka?
Ikutsume no inochi de kanau mono nano ka?

NO NAME-Niji no Ressha (lyrics)


Kaze no eki de matteru hizashi
sora wo wataru kumo no senro
Boku wa tokei o chirari nagamete
sotto shinkokyuu shita nda

Kimi wa iku na to hikitome rare teru no ka?
Ai o furikireru ka?

Niji no ressha ga jikoku-douri ni
yume ni mukatte shuppatsu suru yo
Kimitoisshoni tabidachitai nda
subete sutete yatte koi

Onaji tochi de ikite itara
atarimae no ima shika miezu
Haruka kanata mezashinagara
sekai hiroi ne tte kidzukou

Kimi wa mirai e itte mitakunai no ka?
Kako ni shigamitsuku ka?

Niji no ressha ni noriokureru na
tsugi ga itsuka wa shirasa re tenai
Yagate bokura wa nanika o te ni ire
itsuka koko ni modorudarou

Ima youyaku kimi ga maniatta
Hashiridaseba nani ka hajimaru
Nanairo no kakehashi

Niji no ressha ga jikoku-douri ni
yume ni mukatte shuppatsu suru yo
Kimitoisshoni tabidachitai nda
subete sutete yatte koi

No Name-Aruji Naki Sono Koe (lyrics)


Aruji naki ima kaze ga fuki
Kumoma ni wa hora hikari ga sasu
Mayoibito wa mimi wo sobadatete
Jibun no michi susumi tame no chikara ni suru

Kokoro oresou na nagai saka no mae
Mirai ga aru nara
Se wo mukerarenai

Tomo yo oboete iru kai
Ano hi chikaiatta kono basho
Kisetsu no han ga saku

Aruji naki sono koe kikoeru yo
Taiyou ga hora sukoshizutsu
Atari no sono yami wo
Hagashite kureru darou
Aruji naki saa kono toki ni
Bokutachi wa sou arukidasou
Daremo minna yowai ikimono sa
Ai no kehai sagashinagara saki e susumu

No Name-Kibou Ni Tsuite (Lyrics)



sono te nobashite mo ima wa todokanai yo
boku tachi no yume wa motto tooku ni arunda

yozora no hoshi datte nan oku kounen no kanata
kurayami no saki ni kagayaku mono

kibou ni tsuite boku wa katarou
namonaki shijin no you ni atsuku
kimi ga namida ni kurete iru nara
nagusame yorimo yagate shiramu sora wo katarou ka

ai wo sagashite mo suguni mitsukaranai yo
jibun no hou kara dareka aishite mirunda

konna hiroi sekai unmei ni michibikarete
tatta hitotsu dake no hikari wo mita

kibou ni tsuite boku wa katarou
toshioita suifu no you ni fukaku
kimi ga nanika ni kizutsuita nara
teate suru yori mo noboru asahi boku wa yubisasou

hito wa dare mo minna akiramete raku ni naru yo
dakedo yume wa itsumo se wo mukenai

kibou ni tsuite boku wa katarou
namonaki shijin no you ni atsuku
kimi ga kotae ni mayotteru nara
tachi domarazu ni aruki nagara

kibou ni tsuite boku wa katarou
namonaki senshi no you ni itsuka yume wo kate ni shite

AKB48-Namida Surprise (lyrics)


Jugyou owaru beru ga nattara
Fui ni kimi wo mekakushi shite
Umu iwasazu ude wo tsukande
Tsuresaru taiikukan

Basukettobooru gooru atari
Fuan sou ni kimi wa tatasare
"Nani suru no?" tte kikareta kedo
Jirashite kotaenai

Kurasumeito ga atsumatte
Junbi shita no sa kossori (kossori)
Aimasuku wo hazushite ii
Sore ga aizu da minna issho ni
Narasu kurakkaa
3! 2! 1! O!

Happy! Happy birthday
Keeki no kyandoru wo
Hitoiki de
Saa fukikese yo
Kimi no tame no paatii hajimeyou
Happy! Happy birthday
Sakusen wa dai seikou
Oboeteta no sa
Konna oosei no
Tomodachi ga utatteru
Kimi no hoho ni
Namida sapuraizu

Kami no koppu de kanpai shiyou
Kyou no shuyaku wa kimi nan da
Minna no kimochi uketotte yo
Yosegaki purezento

Tatta ichido no sebuntiin sa
Semi no koe ga furisosogu natsu
Piisu shinagara minna de totta
Shashin wa taimu kapuseru

Hiroi sekai no katasumi de
Onaji jidai wo ikiteru (ikiteru)
Ima ga kitto seishun kamo
Tooi saki de itsu no hi ka
Omoidasu darou
3! 2! 1! O!

Happy! Happy birthday
Suteki na ichinen wo!
Hitotsu dake
Ima otona ni natte
Sou kimi rashiku taisetsu ni sugosun da!
Happy! Happy birthday
Hitori kiri ja nain da yo
Tsurai koto ni
Hora mimawaseba
Bokutachi ga soba ni iru
Egaotachi no
Namida sapuraizu

Happy! Happy birthday
Keeki no kyandoru wo
Hitoiki de
Saa fukikese yo
Aa sono saki no shiawase ni todoku you ni...
Happy! Happy birthday
Mada yume no tochuu sa
Me no mae no
Mirai no michi wa
Kagayaiteru yo
Mazu ippo
Kimi no hoho ni
Namida sapuraizu
Kirari hikaru
Namida sapuraizu

Happy! Happy birthday
Guddo rakku wo kimi ni!
Koe wo soroete
Aijou komete omedetou!
Happy! Happy birthday
Guddo rakku wo kimi ni!
Gyutto dakishime
Saigo ni mou ikkai omedetou!


When the bell went for the end of classes
We suddenly blindfolded you
Without giving you time to object, we took your arm
And took you away to the gym

We made you stand, nervously
By the basketball hoop
You asked “What are you doing?”
But we didn’t answer, keeping you in suspense

All our classmates got together
And planned this in secret (in secret)
You can take the blindfold off now
That’s the sign, all together
Everyone lets off party poppers
3! 2! 1! O!

Happy! Happy birthday
Come on, blow out
All the candles on your cake
In one go
Let’s start this party for you
Happy! Happy birthday
Our plan was a big success
We remembered
Your birthday
A big crowd of your friends
Are singing to you
And surprise tears
Appear on your cheeks

Let’s make a toast with our paper cups
You're the star today
Here’s something from all of us
A present with messages from everyone

You’re only seventeen once
The photo we all took together, making peace signs
Surrounded by the chirping of cicadas in the summer
Is our time capsule

We’re living (living) in the same times
In a corner of this big world
This could surely be youth
We’re sure to think back on this
Someday, years from now
3! 2! 1! O!

Happy! Happy birthday
Wishing you a wonderful year!
You’re one year closer
To adulthood now
Yes, spend the next year well, in your way!
Happy! Happy birthday
You’re not alone
When you face
Hard times
See, look around
We’ll be by your side
Surprise tears
With our smiles

Happy! Happy birthday
Come on, blow out
All the candles on your cake
In one go
Ah, may it bring you happiness in the future...
Happy! Happy birthday
There are still plenty more dreams to come
Before your eyes
The road to the future
Is shining
Start by taking
One step
Surprise tears
Appear on your cheeks
Your surprise tears
Are shining

Happy! Happy birthday
Wishing you good luck!
All together
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday with all our love!
Happy! Happy birthday
Wishing you good luck!
I hug you tight
Happy birthday!
One last time, happy birthday!


AKB48-Kimi No Koto Ga Suki Dakara (Lyrics)


Kimi ga shiawase dattara
Kono jikan ga tsuzuku you ni
Zutto zutto zutto inotte iru yo
Kaze ni fukaretemo
Boku ga sono hana wo mamoru

Ai to wa henji wo
Motomenai koe sa
Ippouteki ni okuru mono

Taiyou no shita
Utae! Odore!
Jiyuu ni!

Kimi no koto ga suki dakara
Boku wa itsumo koko ni iru yo
Hitogomi ni magirete
Kizukanakute mo ii
Kimi no koto ga suki dakara
Kimi to aeta sono koto dake de
Atatakai kimochi de
Ippai ni naru

Kimi ga nayanderu toki wa
Tada damatte kiki nagara
Ame wo yokeru kasa wo katamukeyou
Ochiru sono namida
Mienai yubi de nugutte...

Koi to wa shizuka ni
Hirogatteku hamon
Sono chuushin wa kimi nanda

Kanashimi nante
Makezu ni
Yume no sora wo

Kimi no koto wo omou tabi
Meguriaeta sono guuzen
Jinsei de ikkai no
Kiseki wo shinjiteru
Kimi no koto wo omoutabi
Boku wa kami ni kansha shiteru yo
Furimuite kureru no wa
Eien no saki

Kimi no koto ga suki dakara
Boku wa itsumo koko ni iru yo
Hitogomi ni magirete
Kidzuka nakute mo ii
Kimi no koto ga suki dakara
Kimi to aeta sono koto dake de
Atatakai kimochi de
Ippai ni naru
Eien no saki


If you’re happy
Then I pray forever and ever and ever
That this time lasts
I’ll protect this flower
Even if it’s blown in the wind

Love is a voice
That needs no reply
It’s something you just give

Under the sun
Sing! Dance!

Because I love you
I’ll always be here
I don’t mind if I’m lost in the crowd
And you can’t see me
Because I love you
Just the fact that I met you
Fills me
With a warm feeling

When you’re stressed
I’ll just listen silently
And hold an umbrella over you to keep the rain off you
And wipe away your tears
With a finger you can’t see...

Love is a ripple
That spreads quietly
And in the centre is you

Don’t give in
To the sadness
Look up at the sky
Of your dreams!

Every time I think of you
I believe that our chance meeting
Was a miracle
That happens once in a lifetime
Every time I think of you
I thank God
After an eternity
You’ll look my way

Because I love you
I’ll always be here
I don’t mind if I’m lost in the crowd
And you can’t see me
Because I love you
Just the fact that I met you
Fills me
With a warm feeling
After an eternity


AKB48-Shoujotachi Yo (Lyrics)


Sora ni chirabatta hoshi no
Dore ga ichiban ni
Kagayaku no darou?
Daremo kitto kotaerarenai
Kurayami no saki ni
Koko kara mienai hikari ga aru

Suteeji no katasumi de
Kuyashisa ya munashisa mo
Seishun no toki

Shoujotachi yo
Mousugu yoake ga kuru
Yume no mirai wa kore kara hajimaru wow wow
Shoujotachi yo
Nanimo akirameru na
Kanashii koto nanka subete sutete
Zenryoku de
Zenryoku de
Hashirun da!

Hito no me ni fureru hoshi to
Kizukarenai hoshi
Soko ni wa dou iu sa ga aru no?
Hikari todokanai kurai ni
Hanarete iru toka
Kumo no sei da toka
Riyuu ga hoshii

Omou you ni ikirarenai ima no jibun ga
Modokashiku fuan nara
Senaka wo osou

Itsu shika tsuyoku nareru
Kyou no namida wa asu no chikara sa wow wow
Mae e arukidase yo
Tachidomattara soko de owaru
Shinjirun da

Shoujotachi yo
Mousugu yoake ga kuru
Yume no mirai wa kore kara hajimaru wow wow
Shoujotachi yo
Nanimo akirameru na
Kanashii koto nanka subete sutete
Zenryoku de
Zenryoku de
Hashirun da!


Out of all those stars scatted through the sky
Which one
Shines the brightest?
I doubt anyone
Knows the answer to that
We may not be able to see it from here
But there’s light at the end of the darkness

I struggle and struggle
In the corner of the stage
The frustration and emptiness
Are a part of youth

Hey girls
The dawn will come soon
Your dream future is beginning, wow wow
Hey girls
Don’t give up on anything
Throw away all the sad things
And run!
As fast as you can
As fast as you can

Why is it
That we see some stars
But not others?
Are they too far away
For their light to reach us?
Or is it because of the clouds?
I want to know the reason

If your life isn’t going right
And you’re getting impatient and anxious
I’ll spur you on

When you’re worrying
You get stronger, before you know it
Today’s tears are tomorrow’s strength, wow wow
When you’re worrying
Start walking forward
If you stop, it’ll all be over
Hang in there
Hang in there
Have faith

Hey girls
The dawn will come soon
Your dream future is beginning, wow wow
Hey girls
Don’t give up on anything
Throw away all the sad things
And run!
As fast as you can
As fast as you can

AKB48-~What Can I Do For Someone?~( Dareka No Tame Ni) (Lyrics)


Kami-sama wa hitobito no sono senaka
Itsu demo miteru to kikasareta
Sou doko no dare ni demo byoudou ni
Ai wo ataeru

Watashi ga umareta hi kara
Kyou made
Hizashi no you na
Sono nukumori
Yasashiku tsutsumareteta

Dareka no tame ni
Hito wa ikiteru
Watashi ni nani ga
Dekiru no deshou?

Kanashimi ni deattara me wo tojite
Sono senaka wo ishiki shite mite
Atataka na manazashi ni kidzuku hazu
Mamorareteru to...

Dokoka de kisetsu no kaze ga
Soyoi de
Kigi ga shidaini
Yureru you ni
Ai to wa tsutaeru mono

Hitoribocchi ja
Ikite ikenai
Dareka ga iru kara
Watashi ga iru no

Dareka no tame ni
Hito wa ikiteru
Watashi ni nani ga
Dekiru no deshou?

Dareka no tame ni
Dareka no tame ni
Hito wa umarete
Shiawase ni naru'n da

Sekai kara subete no
Arasoi ga kiete
Hitotsu ni naru hi made
Watashi wa utaou
Oroka na sensou wo
Nyuusu de miru yori
Koe ga todoku you ni
Watashi wa utaou


Someone told me
That God is always behind us
Yes, giving love equally
To everybody

From the day I was born
To this day
I’ve been wrapped gently
In that warmth
Like the sun’s rays

We are living
For someone
What can I
Do for someone?

When you encounter sadness, close your eyes
And focus on your back
You’ll feel someone watching over it warmly
And know that you’re being protected...

Love is a chain reaction
Like the way
The trees sway
When a seasonal wind

We can’t
Live alone
Someone’s there for you
I’m there for you

We are living
For someone
What can I
Do for someone?

For someone
For someone
That’s why we’re born
And become happy

Until the day
All wars are gone
And the world unites
I will sing
Instead of watching stupid wars
On the news
I will sing
And make my voice heard

Rabu, 03 April 2013

AKB48-River (Lyrics)



Mae e susume! (Got it!)
Tachidomaru na! (Got it!)
Mezasu wa hi ga noboru basho
Kibou no michi wo aruke!

Yukute habamu river! River! River!
Yokotawaru river!
Unmei no river! River! River!
Tamesareru river!

Mayoi wa suterun da!
Konjou wo misero yo!
Tamerau na!
Ima sugu
Ippo fumidase yo! Believe yourself!

Mae e mae e!
Massugu susume!
Kawa wo watare!! Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho!

Itsu datte yume wa
Tooku ni mieru
Todokanai kurai kyori kanjiru
Ashimoto no ishi wo
Hitotsu hirotte
Gamushara ni natte
Nagete miro!

Kimi no me no mae ni
Kawa ga nagareru
Hiroku ookina kawa da
Kuraku fukakute mo
Nagare hayakute mo
Obienakute ii
Hanarete ite mo
Souda mukougishi wa aru
Motto jibun wo shinjiro yo

Yami no naka wo
Hitasura oyoge!
Furikaeru na! Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho!

Te nobaseba soko ni
Mirai wa aru yo
Todokanai mono to akiramenaide!
Houri nageta ishi wa
Yume wo kanaete
Ochiru oto nanka kikoenai

Kimi no kokoro ni mo
Kawa ga nagareru
Tsurai shiren no kawa da
Umaku ikanakute mo
Toki ni oborete mo
Kurikaeseba ii
Akirameru na yo
Soko ni kishi wa arun da
Itsuka tadori tsukeru darou

Get over it!

Jibun ni iiwake surun ja nee!
Yatte mi nakerya wakannee!
Massugu susumu shika nee!

Zutto zutto zutto
Aruki tsuzukero
Kimeta michi wo!

Kimi no me no mae ni
Kawa ga nagareru
Hiroku ookina kawa da
Kuraku fukakute mo
Nagare hayakute mo
Obienakute ii
Hanarete ite mo
Souda mukougishi wa aru
Motto jibun wo shinjiro yo

Kimi no kokoro ni mo
Kawa ga nagareru
Ase to namida no kawa da!
Shippai shite shimatte mo
Nagasarete shimatte mo
Yarinaoseba ii
Yowane haku na yo
Yume ni shigamitsukun da
Negai kanau hi ga kuru made

Kawa wo watare!
You can do it!



Move forward! (Got it!)
Don’t stop! (Got it!)
Walk the road of hope
To the place where the sun rises!

A river! River! River! Blocking your way
A river in your way!
A river! River! River! Of fate
A river that tests you!

Cast aside your doubts!
Show some guts!
Don’t hesitate!
Take a step
Right now! Believe yourself!

Forward, forward!
Go straight forward!
Cross the river!! Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho!

Dreams always
Seem far away
They feel out of your reach
Pick up
One of the stones at your feet
And throw it
With all your might!

There’s a river
Running before your eyes
A big, wide river
Even if it’s deep and dark
Even if the current is fast
You don’t need to be afraid
It may be far away
But, yes, there’s a bank on the other side
Have more faith in yourself

Swim with all your might
Through the dark
Don’t look back! Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho!

When you stretch out your hand
You’ll find your future there
Don’t give up, thinking you can’t reach it
The stone you threw
Will make your dream come true
You won’t even hear it land

There’s a river
Running in your heart too
The river of hard times
Even if things don’t go well
Even if you drown sometimes
Just try again
Don’t give up
There’ll be a bank
You’re sure to get there someday

Get over it!

Don’t make excuses to yourself!
You won’t know until you try!
Nothing for it but to go straight forward!

Keep on walking
Forever, forever, forever
Down the road you’ve chosen!

There’s a river
Running before your eyes
A big, wide river
Even if it’s deep and dark
Even if the current is fast
You don’t need to be afraid
It may be far away
But, yes, there’s a bank on the other side
Have more faith in yourself

There’s a river
Running in your heart too
A river of sweat and tears!
Even if you fail
Even if you’re swept away
Just start over
Never say die
Hang onto your dreams
Until the day your wishes come true

Cross the river!
You can do it!

AKB48-Shonichi (Lyrics)


Watashi wa tatteru akogarete ita suteeji
Daikansei hakushu to nekki no naka
Kibishii rensun jibun no kabe norikoete
Mukaeta kyou chansu no maku ga hiraku

Hitori dake odorezu ni
Kaerimichi naita hi mo aru
Omou you ni utaezu ni
Jishin wo ushinatta hi mo aru
Itsumo raibaru ga
Kagayaite mieta

Yume wa ase no naka ni
Sukoshi zutsu saite yuku hana
Sono doryoku kesshite uragiranai
Yume wa ase no naka ni
Me wo dashite zutto matte iru
Itsuka kitto negai kanau made

Supottoraito ga konna ni mabushii nante
Nagai yoru ga aketa asahi no you ne
Senpaitachi ni wa maketakunai yo zettai ni
Watashitachi no shoo wo tsukuritakatta

Kega wo shite yasunda toki
Kuyashikute naita hi mo aru
Gakkou to ressun no
Ryouritsu ni akirameta hi mo aru
Dakedo ankooru ga
Dokoka de kikoeta

Yume wa namida no saki
Nakiyanda hohoemi no hana
Ganbatta tsubomi ga yagate saku
Yume wa namida no saki
Amekaze ni makezu shinjiteru
Hareta sora ni inori todoku made

Shinu ki de
Shinu ki de
Shoshin wo
Zenryoku toukyuu de!

Yume wa ase no naka ni
Sukoshi zutsu saite yuku hana
Sono doryoku kesshite uragiranai
Yume wa ase no naka ni
Me wo dashite zutto matte iru
Itsuka kitto negai kanau made


I’m on the stage that I longed to stand on
Amid loud cheering, clapping and excitement
Through my tough lessons I’ve overcome my barriers
And today I have my chance, the curtain opens

There were days when I was the only one who couldn’t dance
And cried on the way home
And days when I couldn’t sing the way I wanted to
And lost confidence
My rivals always
Seemed to shine

Dreams lie in your sweat
They’re flowers that bloom little by little
Your efforts will never let you down
Dreams lie in your sweat
They bud and keep waiting
Until your wishes come true, as they surely will one day

I never imagined the spotlight would be so bright
It’s like the morning sun after a long night
I want to be just as good as the more experienced members
We wanted to make our own show

There were days when I cried in frustration
When I got injured and had to sit out
And days when I gave up
Trying to balance school and lessons
But I could hear
An “Encore!” somewhere

Dreams lie after the tears
They’re the flowers in your smile after you stop crying
The bud of your efforts will bloom eventually
Dreams lie after the tears
I’ll keep believing through the wind and the rain
Until my prayers reach sunny skies

For your life!
For your life!
Don’t forget
Your early days
Give it all you’ve got!

Dreams lie in your sweat
They’re flowers that bloom little by little
Your efforts will never let you down
Dreams lie in your sweat
They bud and keep waiting
Until your wishes come true, as they surely will one day


AKB48-Skirt Hirari (Lyrics)


Guuzen no itazura de anata to surechigatta
Shinzou tomarikakete
Waza to mushi shita mama toorisugita

Nante baka na watashi na no?
Konna ni suki de iru no ni
Jiko keno ni ochiiru
Eki no hitogomi de hitori

Isshun no dekigoto ga
Mirai ni kui wo nokosu pain
Nee kamisama mou ichido
Jikan wo risetto shite kudasai

Onna no ko ni wa
Sukaato, hirari hirugaeshi
Hashiritaku naru toki ga aru
Nanimo kamo suttee
Ai ni mukau yo
Koi wo suru tabi
Sukaato, hirari hirugaeshi
Haato ni hi ga tsuita you ni
Watashitachi nani wo shitemo
Yurusareru toshigoro yo

Yume wo mite iru dake ja
Nanimo shinten shinai
Te wo nobashite hajimete
Soko ni minori no naru kajitsu

Otona e no kaidan wo
Ikki ni nidan tobashite jump
Nee ima sugu suki desu to
Iwasete kudasai

Onna no ko ni wa
Sukaato, fuwari fukuramase
Genki ni nareru toki ga aru
Seishun wa itsumo
Mae wo muiteru
Koi wo shita kara
Sukaato, fuwari fukuramase
Anata wo oikakete hashiru
Watashitachi nanika shinakya
Mottai nai toshigoro yo

Hazumu iki ochiru ase
Zenryoku de
Kono michi wo shinjite hashirou
Kimochi ga kaze ni naretara
Anata ni kitto tsutawaru
Kekka wa mou osorezu ni
Sekai de ichiban suki na no

Onna no ko ni wa
Sukaato, hirari hirugaeshi
Hashiritaku naru toki ga aru
Nanimo kamo suttee
Ai ni mukau yo
Koi wo suru tabi
Sukaato, hirari hirugaeshi
Haato ni hi ga tsuita you ni
Watashitachi nani wo shitemo
Yurusareru toshigoro yo


Because of some chance mischief, I happened to pass you
My heart nearly stopped
And I purposely pretended to ignore you as I walked by

How stupid am I?
When I like you so much
I fall into a pit of self-hate
Alone in the crowd at the station

A momentary event
Has caused pain and future regret
Please, God, reset time
Once more

There are times
When girls want to run
Skirts fluttering lightly
We drop everything
And run to love
Every time we fall in love
It’s like a fire has been lit in our hearts
Our skirts fluttering lightly
We’re at an age
Where we can get away with anything

We won’t make any progress
If we just sit there dreaming
It’s when we reach out
That we find the ripe fruits there

I want to jump up the stairway to adulthood
Two stairs at a time
Hey, let me tell you I love you
Right away

There are times
When girls are filled with energy
Skirts billowing gently
We’re always positive
In spring
Because I fell in love
I’m running after you
My skirt billowing gently
I’m at an age when I need to do something
Or it’ll all be for nothing

I’ll believe in this road and run down it
At full road
Panting and sweating
If my feelings could ride on the wind
They’d surely reach you
I’m not afraid of the outcome anymore
I love you more than anyone in the world

There are times
When girls want to run
Our skirts fluttering lightly
We drop everything
And run to love
Every time we fall in love
It’s like a fire has been lit in our hearts
Skirts fluttering lightly
We’re at an age
Where we can get away with anything


AKB48-Oogoe Diamond (lyrics)


Hashiridasu basu oikakete
Boku wa kimi ni
Kokoro no moyamoya ga kiete
Taisetsu na mono ga mietan da

Konna kantan na
Kotae ga deteru no ni
Nani ni tameratte miokutta no darou?
Boku ga boku dearu tame ni
Shoudou ni sunao ni narou

Daisuki da kimi ga daisuki da
Boku wa zenryoku de hashiru
Daisuki da zutto daisuki da
Koe no kagiri sakebou

Daisuki da kimi ga daisuki da
Iki ga kurushiku naru yo
Shimatte okenai
Oogoe daiyamondo

Ushinau mono ni kizuita toki
Itemo tattemo
Ima sugu boku ni dekiru no wa
Kono omoi kotoba ni suru koto

Nazeka sakki kara
Sora wo miteru dake de
Hitomi ga uruuru afurete tomaranai
Bokutachi ga sumu
Kono sekai wa
Dareka e no
Ai de michiteru

Zettai ni kimi wo zettai ni
Nido to hanashi wa shinai
Zettai ni chikau zettai ni
Yatto meguriaetan da

Zettai ni kimi wo zettai ni
Shiawase ni shite miseru
Kiite hoshiin da
Oogoe daiyamondo

Ujiuji shitetatte
Nanimo hajimaranai yo
Kanjou hakidashite
Ima sugu sunao ni nare!

Koe ni daseba
Hikari kagayaku

Daisuki da kimi ga daisuki da
Boku wa zenryoku de hashiru
Daisuki da zutto daisuki da
Koe no kagiri sakebou

Daisuki da kimi ga daisuki da
Boku no itoshisa yo todoke!
Daisuki da zutto daisuki da
Kaze no naka de sakebou

Daisuki da kimi ga daisuki da
Iki ga kurushiku naru yo
Shimatte okenai
Oogoe daiyamondo

Yuuki wo dashite iou yo
Damatte icha sono mama sa
Hazukashiku nante nain da
Suki tte kotoba wa saikou sa
Suki tte kotoba wa saikou sa
Suki tte kotoba wa saikou sa

Kanjou hakidashite
Ima sugu sunao ni nare!


Chasing after the bus as it started to leave
I wanted
To tell you
The fog has lifted from my heart
And I’ve seen what’s important to me

The answer
Is so simple
So why did I hesitate and let you go?
I’ll be honest about my impulses
So I can be me

Love you, I love you
I run as fast as I can
Love you, I’ve always loved you
I’ll yell at the top of my lungs

Love you, I love you
I’m running out of breath
I can’t keep my loud-voiced diamond
Locked away

When I realised what I’d lost
I couldn’t
Bear it
What I can do right now
Is put this feeling into words

For some reason all I’ve been doing
Is looking up at the sky
My eyes fill with tears and overflow without stopping
This world
That we live in
Is filled
With love for someone

Never, I’ll never
Let you go again
No ifs or buts, I swear, no ifs or buts
I’ve finally found you

Definitely, I’ll definitely
Make you happy
I want you to hear
My loud-voiced diamond

Nothing will change
If you just faff around
Say how you feel
Come out and say it right now!

When you put it into words
A light shines

Love you, I love you
I run as fast as I can
Love you, I’ve always loved you
I’ll yell at the top of my lungs

Love you, I love you
Let my love reach you!
Love you, I’ve always loved you
I’ll yell through the wind

Love you, I love you
I’m running out of breath
I can’t keep my loud-voiced diamond
Locked away

I’ll get up the courage to say it
If I keep quiet nothing will change
I’m not embarrassed
“I love you” are the best words
“I love you” are the best words
“I love you” are the best words

Say how you feel
Come out and say it right now

AKB48-Sakura No Hanabiratachi (Lyrics)


Kyoushitsu no madobe ni wa
Uraraka na hidamari
Ato wazuka no haru no karendaa

Jugyouchuu miwataseba
Onaji seifuku kita
Nakamatachi ga
Otona ni mieru

Sorezore no mirai e to
Tabidatte ikun da ne
Sono senaka ni
Yume no hane ga

Sakura no hanabiratachi ga saku koro
Dokoka de kibou no kane ga narihibiku
Watashitachi ni asu no jiyuu to
Yuuki wo kureru wa
Sakura no hanabiratachi ga saku koro
Dokoka de dareka ga kitto inotteru
Atarashii sekai no doa wo jibun no sono te de hiraku koto

Kenka shite denwa shite
Naita koto atta ne
Nayanda hi ga
Nazeka natsukashii

Yorokobi mo kanashimi mo
Furimukeba michinori
Donna toki mo
Hitori ja nakatta

Sotsugyou shashin no naka
Watashi wa hohoende
Sugiru kisetsu

Namida no hanabiratachi ga harahara
Kono hoho wo nagareochite arukidasu
Aoi sora wo miage ookiku
Shinkokyuu shinagara
Namida no hanabiratachi ga harahara
Omoide no sono bun dake utsukushiku
Me no mae no otona no kaidan issho ni nobotte te o furou

Sakura no hanabiratachi ga saku koro
Dokoka de kibou no kane ga narihibiku
Watashi tachi ni asu no jiyuu to
Yuuki wo kureru wa
Sakura no hanabiratachi ga saku koro
Dokoka de dareka ga kitto inotteru
Atarashii sekai no doa wo jibun no sono te de hiraku koto

Namida no hanabiratachi ga harahara
Kono hoho wo nagareochite arukidasu
Aoi sora wo miage ookiku
Shinkokyuu shinagara
Namida no hanabiratachi ga harahara
Omoide no sono bun dake utsukushiku
Me no mae no otona no kaidan issho ni nobotte te wo furou


The area by the classroom window
Is warm and sunny
Not much time left on the spring calendar

When I look around in class
All my friends
Wearing the same uniform
Look grown-up

We’re all going to set out
To our respective futures
We have
The wings of dreams
On our backs

When the cherry blossom petals bloom
I can hear the bells of hope ringing somewhere
Giving us the freedom and courage
Of tomorrow
When the cherry blossom petals bloom
Someone is surely praying somewhere
To open the door to a new world with their own hands

There were times when we fought
And cried on the phone
For some reason I’m nostalgic
For the stressful days

When I look back, both my joy and sadness
Have left a road
I was never

I smile
In our graduation photo
I want to watch
The seasons go by

Petals of tears fall
Down my cheeks as I walk away
As I look up at the blue sky
And take a big, deep breath
Petals of tears fall
As beautiful as my memories
Let’s wave as we walk up the stairway to adulthood together

When the cherry blossom petals bloom
I can hear the bells of hope ringing somewhere
Giving us the freedom and courage
Of tomorrow
When the cherry blossom petals bloom
Someone is surely praying somewhere
To open the door to a new world with their own hands

Petals of tears fall
Down my cheeks as I walk away
As I look up at the blue sky
And take a big, deep breath
Petals of tears fall
As beautiful as my memories
Let’s wave as we walk up the stairway to adulthood together


AKB48-Aitakatta (Lyrics)


Aitakatta aitakatta
Aitakatta yes!
Aitakatta aitakatta
Aitakatta yes!
Kimi ni...

Jitensha zenryoku de pedaru
Koginagara saka wo noboru
Kaze ni fukuranderu shatsu mo
Ima wa modokashii

Yatto kizuita hontou no kimochi
Shoujiki ni yukun da
Tatta hitotsu kono michi wo

Suki naraba suki da to iou
Gomakasazu sunao ni narou
Suki naraba suki da to iou
Mune no uchi sarakedasou yo

Aitakatta aitakatta
Aitakatta yes!
Aitakatta aitakatta
Aitakatta yes!
Kimi ni...

Dondon afuredasu ase mo
Fukazu ni sugao no mama
Komorebi no tonneru natsu e
Tsuzuku chikamichi sa

Sonna jouzu ni hanasenakutemo
Sutoreeto de ii
Jibun rashii ikikata de

Dare yori mo taisetsu dakara
Furaretemo koukai shinai
Dare yori mo taisetsu dakara
Kono kimochi tsutaetakatta

Suki naraba suki da to iou
Gomakasazu sunao ni narou
Suki naraba suki da to iou
Mune no uchi sarakedasou yo

Lalalalala lalalalalalala
Lalalalala lalalalalalala
Lalalalala lalalalalalala
Lalalalala lalalalalalala

Aitakatta aitakatta
Aitakatta yes!
Aitakatta aitakatta
Aitakatta yes!
Kimi ni...



I’ve missed you, I’ve missed you
I’ve missed you, yes!
I’ve missed you, I’ve missed you
I’ve missed you, yes!

I pedal my bike with all my might
Up the hill
Now even my shirt billowing in the wind
Makes me impatient

I finally realised how I really feel
I’ll be honest
Down this one path!

If you love someone, tell them
Don’t hide it, be honest
If you love someone, tell them
Lay your heart bare

I’ve missed you, I’ve missed you
I’ve missed you, yes!
I’ve missed you, I’ve missed you
I’ve missed you, yes!

I’m completely bare faced
I haven’t even wiped away the sweat pouring down me
The tunnel through the sunlit woods
Is a shortcut to summer

I may not be so good with words
But being straightforward will do
Through life your way!

Because you mean more to me than anyone else
I won’t regret it, even if you reject me
Because you mean more to me than anyone else
I wanted to tell you how I feel

If you love someone, tell them
Don’t hide it, be honest
If you love someone, tell them
Lay your heart bare

Lalalalala lalalalalalala
Lalalalala lalalalalalala
Lalalalala lalalalalalala
Lalalalala lalalalalalala

I’ve missed you, I’ve missed you
I’ve missed you, yes!
I’ve missed you, I’ve missed you
I’ve missed you, yes!

I’ve missed you!!

AKB48-Heavy Rotation (lyrics)


I want you!
I need you!
I love you!
Atama no naka
Gangan natteru music
Hebii rooteeshon

Poppukoon ga
Hajikeru you ni
Suki to iu moji ga odoru
Kao ya koe wo
Omou dake de
Ite mo tatte mo irarenai

Konna kimochi ni nareru tte
Boku wa tsuite iru ne

I want you!
I need you!
I love you!
Kimi ni aete
Dondon chikadzuku sono kyori ni
Max hai tenshon
I want you!
I need you!
I love you!
Haato no oku
Janjan afureru itoshisa wa
Hebii rooteeshon

Hito wa dare mo
Isshou no uchi
Nankai aiseru no darou?
Tatta ichido
Koi ga dekitara manzoku sa

Sonna tokimeki wo kanjite
Hana wa hokorobu no kana

I feel you!
I touch you!
I hold you!
Yume no naka de
Dandan ookiku natte yuku
Boku no imajineeshon
I feel you!
I touch you!
I hold you!
Kono omoi wo
Binbin tsutaete hoshii kara
Hebii rooteeshon

Itsumo kiiteta
Favorite song
Ano kyoku no you ni
Zutto kurikaeshite
Nijuuyo jikan
Kimi dake rikuesuto chuu

I want you!
I need you!
I love you!
Kimi ni aete
Dondon chikadzuku sono kyori ni
Max hai tenshon
I want you!
I need you!
I love you!
Haato no oku
Janjan afureru itoshisa wa
Hebii rooteeshon

Hebii rooteeshon


I want you!
I need you!
I love you!
The blaring music
Playing in my head
Is on heavy rotation

The words “I love you” dance
Like popcorn
Just thinking
Of your face and voice
Makes me go crazy

I’m so lucky
To get to feel like this

I want you!
I need you!
I love you!
I got to meet you
As the distance between us shrinks rapidly
I’m in high spirits to the max
I want you!
I need you!
I love you!
The love that’s constantly overflowing
In my heart
Is on heavy rotation

How many times
Does each person fall in love
In their life?
If I can have
Just one unforgettable love
I’ll be satisfied

Does everyone burst into bloom
When they feel that excitement?

I feel you!
I touch you!
I hold you!
My imagination
Is rapidly growing
In my dreams
I feel you!
I touch you!
I hold you!
I want you to tell me resoundingly
About this love
Heavy rotation

Just like
That favourite song
That I listened to all the time
I’m requesting nothing but you
24 hours a day
Over and over again

I want you!
I need you!
I love you!
I got to meet you
As the distance between us shrinks rapidly
I’m in high spirits to the max
I want you!
I need you!
I love you!
The love that’s constantly overflowing
In my heart
Is on heavy rotation

Heavy rotation

see you! :3


apa itu HTML dan CSS?

Berhubung saya selalu menuliskan tentang tutorial blog, jadi biar aku menjelaskan tentang apa arti HTML dan CSS yuk...belajar XD

Arti HTML adalah:

HTML itu singkatan dari Hyper Text Markup Language
Hyper: adalah kebalikan dari kata linear, linear adalah bahasa pemrograman, linear ''urutan tertentu'' dengan menggunakan Hyper jadi user bisa menghasilkan sebuah website dan user juga bisa mengunjungi sebuah website setiap saat.
Text: dalam kata html ini hanya tersedia dalam bahasa Inggris, atau teks html saat ini hanya ada dalam bahasa Inggris.
Markup: artinya apa yang dilakukan terhadap teks untuk merubah penampilan. Markup terdiri dari satu set simbul atau bahasa yang digunakan untuk memberi petunjuk dengan menggunakan kode-kode atau bahasa dalam spesifikasi tertentu contohnya: <b> </b> <h1> <p> </p> <ul> </ul> etc. Jadi dengan menggunakan markup maka teks akan bisa diatur dengan menggunakan jenis huruf yang tepat misalnya ukuran tinggi/height,  lebar/weight, atau ukuran/tanda yang lain.
Language: bahasa dalam html adalah bahasa yang dibaca oleh komputer untuk memahami sebuah web.

Apa itu CSS/Cascading Style Sheets:

CSS singkatan dari Cascading Style Sheets yang sebenarnya pada awal aku menuliskan tutorial juga sudah sedikit menjelaskan tentang arti CSS.
CSS kalau dihubungkan dengan HTML adalah struktur yang menentukan penampilan konten sebuah website.
Kebaikan utama dari CSS adalah lebih markup dari segi HTML, CSS bisa mengontrol bagaimana sebuah blog/website ditampilkan misalnya gambar, ukuran/size, dll.
Menghapus semua presentasional markup dari halaman web akan bisa mendukung penggunaan CSS, juga bisa mengurangi ukuran dan penggunaan bandwidth lebih dari 50% dalam banyak kasus yang terdokumentasi.
Dengan melalui bandwidth yang lebih rendah ini adalah keuntungan dari pemilik situs yang berpengaruh terhadap biaya penyimpanan, pengunjung situs, halaman web dengan loading/muatan menjadi lebih cepat.
Penghematan keseluruhan bandwidth bisa terukur karena style sheet adalah cache bisa kita tentukan sendiri  dan dapat digunakan kembali untuk setiap halaman di situs, tidak harus didownload dengan setiap halaman web.
Kita tidak perlu lagi membuat versi khusus dari setiap halaman untuk menampilkan website kita, tapi hanya perlu membuat style sheet tunggal untuk mengontrol bagaimana setiap halaman di situs tersebut akan dibentuk, dihias, di design.

nah,selesai deh. ^_^ selamat belajar (ane aja kagak ngerti XD)

Cursor Kawaii (I)

nah,sekarang saya mau posting beberapa cursor mouse yang kawaii gitu.... :3
mau ganti ke blog caranya gampang....
log in dashboard > layout > add gadget >html/java script
masukkan kode sesuai cursor yang kamu suka,dibawah ini:

<style type="text/css">body, a:hover {cursor: url(http://ani.cursors-4u.net/nature/nat-11/nat1039.cur), progress !important;}</style><a href="http://www.cursors-4u.com/cursor/2013/02/16/cute-box-panda.html" target="_blank" title="Cute Box Panda"><img src="http://cur.cursors-4u.net/cursor.png" border="0" alt="Cute Box Panda" style="position:absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px;" /></a>

<style type="text/css">body, a:hover {cursor: url(http://ani.cursors-4u.net/nature/nat-11/nat1038.cur), progress !important;}</style><a href="http://www.cursors-4u.com/cursor/2013/02/16/cute-box-bear.html" target="_blank" title="Cute Box Bear"><img src="http://cur.cursors-4u.net/cursor.png" border="0" alt="Cute Box Bear" style="position:absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px;" /></a>

<style type="text/css">body, a:hover {cursor: url(http://ani.cursors-4u.net/nature/nat-11/nat1037.cur), progress !important;}</style><a href="http://www.cursors-4u.com/cursor/2013/02/16/cute-box-frog.html" target="_blank" title="Cute Box Frog"><img src="http://cur.cursors-4u.net/cursor.png" border="0" alt="Cute Box Frog" style="position:absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px;" /></a>

<style type="text/css">body, a:hover {cursor: url(http://cur.cursors-4u.net/others/oth-9/oth803.cur), progress !important;}</style><a href="http://www.cursors-4u.com/cursor/2012/02/04/purple-bow-tie-4.html" target="_blank" title="Purple Bow Tie"><img src="http://cur.cursors-4u.net/cursor.png" border="0" alt="Purple Bow Tie" style="position:absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px;" /></a>

<style type="text/css">body, a:hover {cursor: url(http://cur.cursors-4u.net/others/oth-9/oth802.cur), progress !important;}</style><a href="http://www.cursors-4u.com/cursor/2012/02/04/sky-blue-bow-tie-4.html" target="_blank" title="Sky Blue Bow Tie"><img src="http://cur.cursors-4u.net/cursor.png" border="0" alt="Sky Blue Bow Tie" style="position:absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px;" /></a>

<style type="text/css">body, a:hover {cursor: url(http://cur.cursors-4u.net/others/oth-9/oth804.cur), progress !important;}</style><a href="http://www.cursors-4u.com/cursor/2012/02/04/green-bow-tie-4.html" target="_blank" title="Green Bow Tie"><img src="http://cur.cursors-4u.net/cursor.png" border="0" alt="Green Bow Tie" style="position:absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px;" /></a>

<style type="text/css">body, a:hover {cursor: url(http://cur.cursors-4u.net/others/oth-9/oth806.cur), progress !important;}</style><a href="http://www.cursors-4u.com/cursor/2012/02/04/orange-bow-tie-2.html" target="_blank" title="Orange Bow Tie"><img src="http://cur.cursors-4u.net/cursor.png" border="0" alt="Orange Bow Tie" style="position:absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px;" /></a>

<style type="text/css">body, a:hover {cursor: url(http://cur.cursors-4u.net/others/oth-9/oth801.cur), progress !important;}</style><a href="http://www.cursors-4u.com/cursor/2012/02/04/red-bow-tie-6.html" target="_blank" title="Red Bow Tie"><img src="http://cur.cursors-4u.net/cursor.png" border="0" alt="Red Bow Tie" style="position:absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px;" /></a>

<style type="text/css">body, a:hover {cursor: url(http://cur.cursors-4u.net/nature/nat-10/nat991.cur), progress !important;}</style><a href="http://www.cursors-4u.com/cursor/2011/12/29/angel-wing-heart.html" target="_blank" title="Angel Wing Heart"><img src="http://cur.cursors-4u.net/cursor.png" border="0" alt="Angel Wing Heart" style="position:absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px;" /></a>

<style type="text/css">body, a:hover {cursor: url(http://cur.cursors-4u.net/nature/nat-10/nat993.cur), progress !important;}</style><a href="http://www.cursors-4u.com/cursor/2011/12/29/heart-chat-bubble.html" target="_blank" title="Heart Chat Bubble"><img src="http://cur.cursors-4u.net/cursor.png" border="0" alt="Heart Chat Bubble" style="position:absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px;" /></a>

<style type="text/css">body, a:hover {cursor: url(http://cur.cursors-4u.net/nature/nat-10/nat983.cur), progress !important;}</style><a href="http://www.cursors-4u.com/cursor/2011/12/29/cute-bunny-holding-heart.html" target="_blank" title="Cute Bunny Holding Heart"><img src="http://cur.cursors-4u.net/cursor.png" border="0" alt="Cute Bunny Holding Heart" style="position:absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px;" /></a>

nah,sekian untuk cursornya ya....
sampai jumpa di lain waktu ^_^


Kode Warna

nah,kali ini saya akan nge-post kode warna.nah semuanya pasti udah tau dong apa itu kode warna?
klw yg belum,kode warna itu sangat diperlukan untuk mengedit blog kita dengan warna kesukaan kita,atau untuk kode HTML.berikut kodenya:

Color Name
Hexa Code

Decimal Code